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Don't Let Back Pain Ruin Your Golf Game: Tips and Tricks for Staying Pain-Free on the Course

Today's blog post will continue our sport-specific injury segment, continuing with our golfer's injury series. If you are like me, you love nothing more than hitting the course and enjoying golf with friends or family. The sun, the heat, the endless slices... You can't beat it. But sometimes golf can be a real pain in the... back.

Back pain is a super common complaint among golfers, but don't worry - there are things you can do to treat and prevent back pain. We will explore the causes of back pain in golfers, some easy exercises to help if you are currently dealing with pain, and some tips and tricks to stay pain-free this summer.

Believe it or not, somewhere between one-third to half of recreational golfers report experiencing back pain within the past year. From your 8-year-old niece to Will Zalatoris, back pain impacts golfers of all ages. While male golfers seem more prone to back pain than female golfers, many factors can contribute to back pain, from age, fitness level, and swing mechanics.

So, why do golfers get back pain? For starters, the golf swing is pretty aggressive with all the twisting, turning, and desire to crush the ball. The rage for increasing club head speed, ball velo, and distance has taken the golf community by storm. It's not a coincidence that golf injuries have increased over the past five years.

Let's take the violent nature of the golf swing and add poor posture, lack of flexibility, and using the wrong equipment (clubs that are too heavy or too short) can all contribute to back pain.

Your back hurts, and a big round is coming up this weekend. What do you do now? Luckily, there are some very simple exercises that you can do to alleviate your current back pain and to help yourself get ready for this weekend. Strengthening your core with exercises like planks, bridges, and bird dogs can help support your back and reduce stress during the golf swing.

Preventing back pain in golfers is all about reducing stress on your back during the golf swing. This means using proper technique, maintaining good posture, using equipment that's the right size and weight, and warming up properly before playing. Strengthening your core and improving your flexibility can also go a long way in preventing future back pain.

Don't let back pain keep you off the course! By taking proactive steps to care for your back, you can enjoy golf without discomfort or injury. If you are dealing with back pain or want to work on reducing your risk for injury, call Movement Lab Sports Physical Therapy at 817-264-6868 or visit our website at

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